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B'nai Israel Synagogue

B'nai Israel Synagogue Executive Officers

 President: Marty Libowsky 

Treasurer: Neil Dorfman

Secretary: Angela Koury


Committee Chairs:

Kosher Kitchen/Fundraising - Faye Rosenbaum

Cemetery - Leonard Swartz

Chevra kadisha - Vikki Goldstein


B'nai Israel is governed by its By-Laws for which the Board of Directors has oversight. If you have a question regarding the By-Laws, please inquire with the Board President.

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month. Refer to the Calendar or email the secretary  if you have questions. 

Board meetings are open to B'nai Israel Members. If you have an agenda item, please contact the Board President in advance.

Open Door Policy

The B'nai Israel Synagogue Board of Directors encourages each congregant to actively participate in all lay affairs of our synagogue as non-voting members of any committee or the Board of Directors.

We actively seek and request your participation.

Please contact the Board President  with questions, comments or to volunteer. 

Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785